Free Your Feet

Written by admin

I’ve never understood why it is that so many people find feet repulsive. This is undeniably a common complaint, but I just don’t get where it comes from. Maybe it has something to do with the culture of wearing shoes almost all the time, at least in public.

Think about it. It’s considered somewhat improper to be barefoot when walking down the street or at work, for example, even though these are often the last places we’d realistically need protection for our feet. Provided you have some awareness of where you’re putting them down, it’s not that hard to avoid stepping something dangerous or gross. Yet we persist in wearing shoes on these surfaces, even in the mildest weather.

Look, I’m no foot specialist. Cheltenham is clearly not loaded with challenging terrain; let’s be real. And maybe if we didn’t insist on swaddling our feet in all weathers, they might have a chance to lose their reputation for being unfit to be seen in public. Seriously, consider about the vibe your feet have when you take off your shoes at the end of a long day. Are they kind of smelly between the toes, vaguely squashed and weirdly pale compared to the rest of your body? Now, think about it: is this preferable to being a bit dirty on the soles?

Sure, some people do rely on specialised products for foot care. Arch support insoles, orthotics and the like do, of course, need shoes to go in. To be clear, I’m not saying that shoes should never be worn. I actually think they’re a fantastic invention – just one that we’ve become overly reliant on. I also wonder if some arch issues could be rectified through more barefoot time, since that seems to help develop musculature in the feet.

Again, I’m not a podiatrist and no one should be taking my word for this. I’m just musing on what seems to be the case in my experience. If you’re interested, try going barefoot for a day and observe how you feel at the end of it.